Taurus, an itinerary designed by the stars that leads to the discovery of beauty.
The artworks, thanks to the “Taurus” project curated by Maurizio Elettrico and Peppe Morra, become stars of the Earth in this inverted sky, creating a sort of symbolic mirror of the universe. In this static merry-go-round of senses and thoughts, nature, art and cosmic spaces come to meet and contrast, as per design. Everything is outlined from above as in a star map that orients the collection’s artworks, distributing them along a magical, dreamlike walk, marked by natural and artificial presences, where both symbol and life find a poetic and harmonious symbiosis.
The preference of the bull was for various reasons: for the numerous taurine images present on the property thanks to its original owners, the Del Bufalo family, and for the astrological sign of its new owners, the Serpone couple, both of whom are Taurus. The Taurus’ astronomic structure lends itself well to a microcosmic recomposition on the foundation’s property thus becoming the invisible architecture of the park where such a rich collection of artworks is located.