The Fondazione Mario e Maria Pia Serpone - Segni d’Arte -
(Mario and Maria Pia Serpone Foundation – Artistic messages) is an open air space for art, designed for those in no hurry. A place of desire and nostalgia that bases its modus operandi and presence upon essential elements. To live it is to contemplate, reflect, laze and dream, to establish relationships with things and spaces related to listening and scents, touching upon all the senses. Pieces of contemporary art encircle the lawn, following its curves, defining the space. It is ennobled with open-air environmental installations, with performances, and everything that, through the syncopated language of contemporaneity and the use of the latest techniques and new materials, in perfect harmony with the environment. A park with rolling hills where nature took the director’s chair and created artistic messages, offering a fertile terrain for artists. A meeting place for those who celebrate love, freedom, peace, equilibrium in the mutual respect of all the forces that govern nature.
The Serpone family has been actively involved in the arts for quite some time.
It was the Grandfather Vincenzo (1860-1953), artist and pupil of Gioacchino Toma and Attilio Simonetti, who began to collect a considerable number of artworks - in part donated to the Museums of Capodimonte in Naples and San Martino – from the 17th to 19th century, a time span that most resonated with him. Mario Serpone, Vincenzo’s grandson, continued his grandfather’s mission, from whom he inherited his sensibility, love and passion for art. Mario optimized and enhanced this original passion giving life, together with his family, to the Fondazione Mario e Maria Pia Serpone - Segni d’Arte -. Far from profit, the institution was birthed with research, reflection and the dissemination of contemporary art, intended as a place of investigation among art, life and nature, at its core.
A way of living this space-system marked by different trends and movements, carefully curated according to the ebbs and flows of contemporary aesthetic making. A space for art, but also for poetry, philosophy, for music, in which contrasting experiences and varied expectations of art intensify and become more significant. A place of convergence and intersection, or overlapping, of different artistic perspectives that celebrate the beauty of nature.
The reasoning of Fondazione Mario e Maria Pia Serpone - Segni d’Arte – is based upon the conviction that Art means to present and preserve those moments of revelation whose complex profoundness is to be explored with affection.

The Park
Located in the town of Torrita Tiberina, the park is 13km (8 mi.) from North Rome (Roma Nord) and is well connected to the center of Rome and to the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Fiumicino. It borders with the oldest Italian nature reserve: the Tevere Farfa Reserve. Torrita Tiberina (one of the oldest and most evocative villages in the history of the Tiber area) is in an area rich in history from a thousand years ago. A testament to the past, the remains of a bare villa from the late Republican age can be found in the “Celli” area, near the Tiber, while in the “Baldacchini” area there are the ruins of an ancient retaining wall, considered to be part of the villa of Agrippa, Nero’s mother (15-59 A.D.)